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Some pictures I took

Fri Jan 20, 2006 8:48 pm

I love photography and I've been taking lots of pictures with my digital camera for over a year. I'm not a professional, or anything, but I have a few pictures I'd like to display. =)

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v40/L ... ixLake.jpg

This is a picture I took during a field trip last year for school. We went to this really pretty park, and I got a lot of pictures there. This one is definately my favorite, though.


This is a picture of an old house that pioneers actually lived in at a camp that my sister and I went to over the summer.

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v40/L ... NYCSky.jpg

I took this picture of the New York City skyline on the bus ride there over the summer. I absolutely LOVE NYC, and I hope I get to go back again this summer. :) I was hoping to get a picture of Times Square, but my camera acted up and wouldn't let me. D:

Those are all of my favorite pictures out of the ones I have on my computer. I'd love to hear any comments and advice! :D
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