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Tribal Bison & Kironk (my Gnorbu)

Wed Jan 11, 2006 11:11 pm


Unfortunately I made it too wide... to post. Silly thing. Ah well. Bison as a private commission. Rather fun... more like my old style then my newer style. As usuall; really awful scan. And he was done in two different inks... and it shows in the scan but not in person. Silly light passing through the paper. Bah.


And jumping on the bandwagon, this is my take on my gnorbu Kironk. Yes I know his muzzles rather odd; but I wasn't thinking of a llama muzzle when I was sitting there in my Archeology class going "tra la la la la... gnorbu gnorbu pompeii gnorbu mesopotamia gnorbu... hot guy over there... mmm... oh wait... gnorbu" so. Forgive me that one horrid flaw. I should go crawl into my whole with shame now.
(But I still like it)

Wed Jan 11, 2006 11:36 pm

It's very good, the anatomy is quite solid. :D
The face looks a little rabbit-y to me. Maybe it's the ears or the pronounced cheekbone, but if you cover the rest of the gnorbu, it looks a little bit like a rabbit or a burro. It's very nice though. I like his ear tassles. You draw so neatly. :D

Wed Jan 11, 2006 11:57 pm

Love the bison. :)

The Gnorbu is cute and is definitely waaaay better than any doodles I've ever come up with while in class. Kudos!

Thu Jan 12, 2006 12:03 am

Kess wrote:It's very good, the anatomy is quite solid. :D
The face looks a little rabbit-y to me. Maybe it's the ears or the pronounced cheekbone, but if you cover the rest of the gnorbu, it looks a little bit like a rabbit or a burro. It's very nice though. I like his ear tassles. You draw so neatly. :D

Heh, thanks. I don't really draw neatly (you just can't see most of the sketch marks because I manage to hide those rather well). It does look rabbity/burrow-y. But thats OK too. I may have to try a more gnu type gnorbu tommorow while i'm bored in visual theory; but who knows. I'm a bit of a stickler on anatomy... and it's the first thing I tend to critique when i'm looking at other peoples drawings. So... yeah. I try not to make my own too messed up.

Thu Jan 12, 2006 12:30 am

Cute Gnorbu! *pinches its cheeks* :)

The tribal buffalo is nicely done.
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