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Secret Santa '04! (Finished!)

Mon Nov 29, 2004 6:35 am

The sets have been handed out, and the pairings have been revealed! Click here.<hr>

Well, it's nearing that time of year again when all regain their happy giving spirits. At least this little event's for the giving ones. No Scrooges. ;P

So what's this Secret Santa thing, and what is it doing in the sigs board, you ask? Well, basically it's a loosely organised event in which members make sets for a person randomly chosen for them. Everyone who signs up will get a set (if all works out properly).

The amount of people signing up is NOT limited. Anyone can, as long as they have decent graphic-making ability. Doesn't even have to be that great, but as long as you spend some good effort on your present set, then you're fine. Also, make sure you know you have the time to make a set. Last year, a few people signed up without making anything.

When signing up, you may also mention some of the things you like, just so the person making a set for you will know a little about you (if they don't already), or something a little specific. But give them a little bit of creative freedom, of course!

Signups end December 4th. While signing up, please use this form:

How much time do you want (to work on the set)?
When do you want your set in by?
What kind of things do you want in your set?

All other things will be worked out nearing and after the deadline.

So...have fun!
Last edited by Yoshi on Sat Dec 18, 2004 2:39 am, edited 3 times in total.

Re: Secret Santa '04!

Mon Nov 29, 2004 6:41 am

OK, I'm in. :)
This sounds like fun!

How much time do you want (to work on the set)? umm, i can do 2 days, but i prefer a week to make it better/brainstorm for other ideas
When do you want your set in by? . . . ? whenever
What kind of things do you want in your set? umm, i like techos, space, legos, and cars.... but i'm game with almost anything

Mon Nov 29, 2004 6:47 am

How much time do you want (to work on the set)? Whatever timeframe works for everyone else - I'm sure I can squeeze this in
When do you want your set in by? As soon as it's convenient for whoever's making it.
What kind of things do you want in your set? I like anime girls, or just drawings of any style, or abstract images or stock photos of any kind are great, especially landscapes or such. Anything is fine, really, although not Christmas please!

(That better, Yoshi? :P )
Last edited by Starchaser on Fri Dec 03, 2004 6:09 am, edited 3 times in total.

Mon Nov 29, 2004 6:59 am

I won't sign up just yet, since I'd like to find out whether I'll be in the country or not :P

I'm guessing that we'll get our person on the 6th-7th, judging from the deadline for joining. What I want to know is if there's any set date that they have to be finished by :P

Mon Nov 29, 2004 7:02 am

YAY! It back! :D :D I'm so entering this one! :P

How much time do you want (to work on the set)? 2-4 days would be fine, but a week sounds much better.
When do you want your set in by? Doesn't matter to me
What kind of things do you want in your set? Wolves, anime (please use pictures of girls, not guys), winter, sunsets, stars, any kind of fantasy, also dogs, furry animals, landscapes and smallville, but you are always welcome to do something else.

Edit: I've put a few more things to choose from.
Last edited by kiay on Fri Dec 03, 2004 2:13 am, edited 2 times in total.

Mon Nov 29, 2004 7:10 am

Alex wrote:What I want to know is if there's any set date that they have to be finished by :P

That's basically what the second question in the form is for. Unfortunately, with all the "I dunno"s so far, it seems as though I may have to make up something.

If so, then it's probably gonna be a little earlier than the 20th (I know you're away then...but that's why the question's there ><). The exchange of sets would be made on the 20th so people can have time to display their presents and stuff.

Mon Nov 29, 2004 7:12 am

Ah, alright, thanks :) In that case, I won't be able to participate. I'll live though ^_^

Mon Nov 29, 2004 7:15 am

If people can come up with a date though, who knows if it might get pushed to the 22nd, 23rd, or even the 24th though. ;P

*hints again for people to post a date*

Mon Nov 29, 2004 7:34 am

How much time do you want (to work on the set) I could probably get one done in about a week

When do you want your set in by - December 15th?

What kind of things do you want in your set - Maraquan Pets, Christmas Things, The Incredibles, Cutouts, Anything is fine as long as its not girly :P
Last edited by Ken on Mon Nov 29, 2004 1:14 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Mon Nov 29, 2004 1:04 pm

How much time do you want (to work on the set)?

Hm, I could get a decent one done within one weekend day if all goes well, but I think a week would be the best for most people.

When do you want your set in by?

Assuming everyone gets their matches by the 8th of December, I'd say December 15, giving us a week.

What kind of things do you want in your set?

I do like anime girls, as long as they're dressed decently. Animals are cool with me as well. I like a good deal of things, but I think anime girls and animals are on the top of the list.


By animals, I mean real animals. No Neopets, please! Christmas stuff I also wouldn't like, as I might want to use it at different times of the year.
Last edited by Bangel on Mon Nov 29, 2004 1:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Mon Nov 29, 2004 1:25 pm

I missed the sign-ups last year...not gonna miss out on this another year.

How much time do you want (to work on the set)? I could finish it in a day, but a week would be good...just so I can think of ideas and try out different things.
When do you want your set in by? I think Im gonna go with what Dawn says, if we have the name by the 8th, up until the 15th should be good.
What kind of things do you want in your set? Anything Anime is fine by me, no neopets or christmas (I want something I can use anytime of the year) though. Suprise Me. lol

Mon Nov 29, 2004 1:43 pm

How much time do you want (to work on the set)? 1-2 days...
When do you want your set in by? Whenevers fine
What kind of things do you want in your set? Anything anime-ish (female), wintery, anything plushie/winter from neopets... Just for the record i'm jewish... So i'd prefer no red and green together.

Can't wait for it to start :)

Mon Nov 29, 2004 4:12 pm

Since I have a set contest going on, can I still enter this?

How much time do you want (to work on the set)? anytime is fine (a few days)
When do you want your set in by? probably around December 20th or so
What kind of things do you want in your set?

...Lord of the Rings (Merry and Pippin are my favourites, but Sam and Frodo are fine as well because I adore all of the Hobbits)

Television Shows
...Lost (Charlie is my favourite character; Shannon is my least favourite)
...CSI (the original)
...The O.C.

...Linkin Park
...No Doubt/Gwen Stefani
...Lindsay Lohan
...Kelly Clarkson

...Dominic Monaghan
...Billy Boyd
...Elijah Wood

...Tropical things (includes islands, drinks, sunsets, oceans, locales, etc.)
...Locations (I enjoy traveling, so anywhere is fine)
Last edited by bluehawaii19 on Thu Dec 02, 2004 12:24 am, edited 1 time in total.

Mon Nov 29, 2004 4:21 pm

Fun fun fun!

How much time do you want (to work on the set)? A week, I think.
When do you want your set in by? Around 20th December would be nice.
What kind of things do you want in your set? Oooh, either LotR (preferably with Arwen in it... or Legolas :D) or adorable baby animal pics (puppies, kittens etc.)

Mon Nov 29, 2004 5:07 pm

How much time do you want (to work on the set)? A Day or 2.
When do you want your set in by? Whenever
What kind of things do you want in your set? Uh.... Romantic Anime Pictures.... Maybe the fire faerie? I have a weird thing for sunsets....
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