Request your avatars and signatures, blinkies and banners and everything else graphics-related here.
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Sigh's Request Board ^^ (0 pickups, 2 spots left)

Wed Sep 05, 2007 5:33 pm

Sigh's Request Board

Well, this is my first request board ever, and I'm excited to start making sets ^^
Just let me know what you need, and I'll do my best to make it perfect for you :)
To show me what you want, use this form:
Avatar Text: (Any text you want on the avatar goes here)
Signature Main Text: (The main text of the Signature goes here)
Signature Subtext: (If you want a smaller, second font, put it here)
Avatar Image(s): (If you already have an image that you want me to use for the avatar, put it here)
Signature Image(s): (If you already have an image that you want me to use for the signature, put it here)
Color: (Optional) (If you want the set to have a general color, put it here.)
Size: (Optional) (Let me know if you want your set to be something other than standard forum size.)

or for other graphics:
Graphic Type(s):
Image(s): (optional (large please :c), but please give me at least a general theme to search for)
Color(s): (If you aren't sure I can do a couple versions ;))
Text: (optional)
Dimensions: (optional)

And I will gladly do multiple graphics at once. The slots are for people, not graphics ;)

A few examples of my work:
Sets: (for Subeta and PPT)







V2 Profiles: (for subeta only)


Pet Buttons: (Subeta or Neopets)

If you want to see how they work on subeta go here. (they will NOT work like this on Neopets.)





Flyers and Banners:



and here
Last edited by Sigh on Sat Mar 01, 2008 7:15 pm, edited 11 times in total.


Wed Sep 05, 2007 8:16 pm

I'm here to give you business, Sigh-sama. *bows*

Avatar Text: NOTHING!
Signature Main Text: 6th Company
Signature Subtext: NOTHING!
Avatar Image(s): and the 6th kanji in the top row of this image. If possible, I'd like it inside the first image. if you can't do that, then just use the kanji from the second image.
Signature Image(s): and ... 118-06.png
Color: Hmmm...either black and white or a nice NON-BLUE color.
Size: PPT size.

Wow, I used a lot of caps.
If this is too hard for you, I have no problem with you dropping it.

Re: Sigh's Request Board ^^

Thu Sep 06, 2007 12:37 am

Cool. I'll partake, but it will be for when school starts. That gives you two weeks so no rush :D

Avatar Text: Brigade Leader
Signature Main Text: None
Signature Subtext: Yume suki deshou?
Avatar Image(s): Found here
Signature Image(s): Found here
Color (Optional): In keeping with the sources
Size (Optional): Whatever fits

If possible, can you stamp each with a tiny version of the SOS Brigade in the corner of each? Not too big of course.

Take your time. I'm in no rush. Arigato gozaimasu!

Re: Sigh's Request Board ^^ (2 pickups, 0 spots left)

Thu Sep 06, 2007 11:32 pm



Hope it's up to snuff ^^
Let me know if you want anything changed, I always save my layers ^^
oh and i decided to do something slightly out of the ordinary with the border on the avvie... if you don't like it I can extend the lines easily :)
*ponders* I need more fonts lol.

Re: Sigh's Request Board ^^ (2 pickups, 0 spots left)

Fri Sep 07, 2007 6:14 pm



hope you like it :)
once again, anything you want changed can be done easily ^^

Re: Sigh's Request Board ^^ (2 pickups, 0 spots left)

Fri Sep 07, 2007 7:00 pm

sigh_driven wrote:Image


Hope it's up to snuff ^^
Let me know if you want anything changed, I always save my layers ^^
oh and i decided to do something slightly out of the ordinary with the border on the avvie... if you don't like it I can extend the lines easily :)
*ponders* I need more fonts lol.

Wow, sigh, that looks great! Two things though: I wanted you to use the symbol above the flower that you used in the avatar...hope that makes sense. If you don't mind, could you change that around? Also, could you add a little...I don't know, noise to the background of the sig? It just looks a bit empty to me. Thanks!

Re: Sigh's Request Board ^^ (2 pickups, 0 spots left)

Fri Sep 07, 2007 7:05 pm

sigh_driven wrote:Image


hope you like it :)
once again, anything you want changed can be done easily ^^

Yay! Looks better than expected. Suzumiya-sama would be proud. I will use the set so please don't feel bad if you don't see it around immediately.

Domo arigato gozaimasu! *runs off to do the Hare Hare Yukai dance*

Re: Sigh's Request Board ^^ (2 pickups, 0 spots left)

Sat Sep 08, 2007 12:34 pm

Byakuya San wrote: Two things though: I wanted you to use the symbol above the flower that you used in the avatar...hope that makes sense. If you don't mind, could you change that around? Also, could you add a little...I don't know, noise to the background of the sig? It just looks a bit empty to me. Thanks!

of course! Give me about a day to fiddle around with it ^^

-EDIT- Never mind got bored :oops:



Re: Sigh's Request Board ^^ (2 pickups, 0 spots left)

Sat Sep 08, 2007 4:53 pm

sigh_driven wrote:
Byakuya San wrote: Two things though: I wanted you to use the symbol above the flower that you used in the avatar...hope that makes sense. If you don't mind, could you change that around? Also, could you add a little...I don't know, noise to the background of the sig? It just looks a bit empty to me. Thanks!

of course! Give me about a day to fiddle around with it ^^

-EDIT- Never mind got bored :oops:



Ah, that looks better! Do you want me to host it from my own site?

Re: Sigh's Request Board ^^ (2 pickups, 0 spots left)

Sun Sep 09, 2007 9:28 pm

that would probably be best... but i keep them on photobucket for a long time :)

Re: Sigh's Request Board ^^ (0 pickups, 2 spots left)

Wed Sep 19, 2007 5:46 pm

Hello there.

I'm getting a little bored with my current set's colours, but still like the style/sentiment. I use different names in different places so if I could be a little cheeky could I request 3 avatars, all with the same picture but with different names? Cheers.

Avatar Text: 'Abe', 'Jhas' and 'Pietas'
Signature Main Text: Bad Guys look better
Signature Subtext: -
Avatar Image(s):
Signature Image(s):
Color: Anything different to the current purple or the orange in the image.
Size: Regular please.


Re: Sigh's Request Board ^^ (0 pickups, 2 spots left)

Thu Sep 20, 2007 1:22 am





Need anything changed, don't like something? Let me know, I won't be offended. This was a very difficult set to work with, but i had alot of fun making it lol. :P

Re: Sigh's Request Board ^^ (0 pickups, 2 spots left)

Thu Sep 20, 2007 11:07 am

Fantastic, thanks. Will go change things around now.

Re: Sigh's Request Board ^^ (0 pickups, 2 spots left)

Fri Sep 21, 2007 4:09 pm

Avatar Text: kcharles in a loopy font
Signature Main Text: Katherine
Avatar Image(s): A simple fall tree.
Signature Image(s): Boom!

Re: Sigh's Request Board ^^ (0 pickups, 2 spots left)

Fri Sep 21, 2007 9:35 pm

Avatar Text: Don't mess with Dr. Beat, along the bottom outlined in black letters
Signature Main Text: Euphoniumgirl_71
Signature Subtext: Get ready to get totally tuned
Avatar Image(s): ... Drbeat.jpg
Signature Image(s): ... urflat.jpg
If you could trim it so all you can see is the tuner and the pavement that would be great.
Size: What ever floats your boat.
Topic locked