Request your avatars and signatures, blinkies and banners and everything else graphics-related here.
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mazil's infrequent request board :: closed :: languishing

Thu Feb 08, 2007 10:25 am

Hi all :)

I'm not sure if many of you would remember me as a graphicsy person, but I used to hang around here quite often, especially before the "great reset" or a few years ago, at least! So, well, it's been a long time, it's a long weekend, and I've been itching to make some sets... so I'm offering up three request spots for anyone who might like one!


There is a sign on the door, written in cheery purple writing! You squint to read it:

mazils' request board is: closed.

Oh well :( You may have to check back again next week.
Last edited by mazil on Mon Feb 12, 2007 12:15 am, edited 9 times in total.

Thu Feb 08, 2007 5:30 pm


Image type: Set
Text: DM was on fire!
Subtext: I hold the key to both realities
Image(s): One // Two (if you blend, that is. If not, just the second one, please)
Other: I don't know. XD what you do. o_o

EDIT - WAUGH! o_o;; I just found an old set you made me back when I was Tails Fan! XD
Last edited by DM was on fire! on Thu Feb 08, 2007 8:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Thu Feb 08, 2007 7:54 pm

Image type: LJ icon
Text: Home Sweet Home...
Subtext: None
Image(s): Here or here
Other: I'd like the skyline to be in the icon.

Thanks! :)

Thu Feb 08, 2007 8:29 pm

Image type: Set
Text: Combusken BG
Subtext: Love is in the air.
Image(s): here
Other: I'd like the color of the text to be in magenta

Thanks! :)

Thu Feb 08, 2007 9:23 pm

Awesome, thanks guys! I'll work on them in order, I guess :D

DM - Hehe, I'd forgotten that you were Tails Fan! I "lose" people quite a bit when they change names :( Though I think I knew vaguely that "Tails Fan" was someone who was still around :)

Edit: Set for you! There's a version with the subtext and a version without (I didn't do so well fitting it in, so I quite like the "without" version). Let me know if you have any requests. Can I ask... who is the picture of? :)

Image Image Image

Fri Feb 09, 2007 5:24 pm

Actually, I had forgotten too. XD

Oh wow, that is awesome! <3 I prefer the version without the subtext better. :D I can just add it in my signature, anyway.
It's of Miley Cyrus. :)

Fri Feb 09, 2007 11:23 pm

Question. By three at a time, do you mean requests be open again once you finish Dragonfire and Combusken BG's stuff? :)

Sat Feb 10, 2007 1:32 am

Hey DM, glad you like it!! I was a bit worried with changing it all to the aqua blue... but I think the colour turned out quite nice in the end :)

Kitten Medli, I think I'll have to leave the spots "closed" until I've finished the current three requests... so I can work out how much free time I'll have to take on some more :) Rest assured, I think I'll be around here more than I have been in the past!

Edit: Oops, I thought you were asking whether each spot will re-open as soon as I've finished a request. So, about re-opening in general, I'll have to say: maybe! I think it's most likely that I'll open them again towards the end of next week, so I can do some requests over the weekend again.


*toots horn* Pickup for dragonfire! :D

Three versions, I couldn't decide on the font... the border is quite subtle, but looks nice on LJ I think, where there's often at least a 1 pixel border around the icons. Let me know if you'd like anything changed, though :)

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Sat Feb 10, 2007 3:26 pm

:o That's awesome, I love it! <3 I think I'm going to use the last one. Thank you so much. :D

Sun Feb 11, 2007 11:31 am

Dragonfire: Yay, it was a nice image to work with... especially some of the colours that came out in the water, there :)

Combusken BG... here you go! I'm sorry if it's not quite the greatest, it was a tough-ish image to work with. Let me know if you have any suggestions/ideas, and I can try and modify accordingly :)

Image Image

Sun Feb 11, 2007 12:24 pm

No changes, it is awesome. <3

Thanks mazil. :)
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