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PPT Secret Santa

Tue Dec 05, 2006 12:41 am

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Last edited by Marissa on Sun Feb 04, 2007 11:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Tue Dec 05, 2006 12:55 am

What if I will not be around during 15th to 20th December? Can I still join? :D *Hopeful*

Edit: Oh nevermind. I won't join.

Edit again: If we do complete the set in time for our secret buddy, will we still get the bann for 6 months?

Edit AGAIN: Restated! :D
Last edited by sily_sicily on Tue Dec 05, 2006 2:13 am, edited 3 times in total.

Tue Dec 05, 2006 1:45 am

Pick me, pick me!

Your Preferred Name (to be written on the set): Medli
List up to five kinds of things you'd like on your set:
1. Starfox Adventures
2. Super Smash Bros Brawl/Melee
3. Any kind of birds (especially parrots, penguins [especially rockhoppers!], and owls)
4. Small pets (dwarf hamsters, rabbits, chinchillas, guinea piggies)
5. Farm animals (especially CHICKENS!)
Last edited by Kitten Medli on Wed Dec 06, 2006 7:01 am, edited 2 times in total.

Tue Dec 05, 2006 2:03 am

sily_sicily wrote:What if I will not be around during 15th to 20th December? Can I still join? :D *Hopeful*
Then you should probably give it to me before the 15th.

sily_sicily wrote:Edit again: Erm will we get a request/contest bann for 6 months if we DO finish the set time? If we won't get the bann, then I'll join.
Please restate the question, I'm not sure what you're asking.

Tue Dec 05, 2006 2:58 am

Your Preferred Name (to be written on the set): Bangel OR Dawn... whatever fits.
List up to five kinds of things you'd like on your set:
1. Buffy the Vampire Slayer (television series).
2. Angel (television series).
3. Heroes (television series).
4. Veronica Mars (television series).
5. Wintery things (take this to mean whatever you want).

Tue Dec 05, 2006 3:03 am

Your Preferred Name (to be written on the set): Alex
List up to five kinds of things you'd like on your set:
1. Beach/tropical scenes.
2. Wintery scenes.
3. Flowers (specifically Gerbras and Frangipanis, although I'm not fussed).
4. Anything else you think I may like; I'm not picky.

Marissa, if you have any problems with deadbeats, I can step in to do an extra set or two. :)

Tue Dec 05, 2006 3:18 am

Ooo! Secret Santa! :D

Your Preferred Name (to be written on the set): WIS
List up to five kinds of things you'd like on your set:
1. HOUSE! (Not the building, House M.D. starring Hugh Laurie)
2. Michael Buble (The Singer)
3. Bones (TV Show)
4. Vector Art
5. Pretty stock images

And if you need some extra sets made, I'll be happy to make them too. :)
Last edited by WIS on Fri Dec 08, 2006 11:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Tue Dec 05, 2006 3:20 am

Your Preferred Name: Apricus
List up to five things you'd like on your set:
1. Pretty stock photography of... pretty much anything
2. Bright colors
3. Nature-y stuff. You know, flowers, animals, trees, landscapes, seascapes... yeah.
4. Photos of faraway places like Greece and Italy and France
5. Um. What Alex said. Anything you think I might like cause I'm not too picky.

Tue Dec 05, 2006 7:28 am

I love this tradition, I'm so glad it's back. ;D

Your Preferred Name: LAQ
List up to five kinds of things you'd like on your set:
2. Pretty and dreamy images
3. Pink
4. The Chronicals of Narnia {movie}
5. Any picture from here.

Tue Dec 05, 2006 8:26 am

Yay! I <3 the PPT Secret Santa.

Your Preferred Name: mazil
List up to five kinds of things you'd like on your set:
1. Bright colours are fun (but not essential, of course!)
2. Anything abstracty/photographic/random
3. My favourite animals - red pandas, rabbits or hares
4. Anything to do with The Lion King
5. I'm currently enamoured with Avatar - The Last Airbender, the tv series (I found a screencaps site here the other day, incase it's useful!)

Tue Dec 05, 2006 9:05 am

Guess I'll make another post.
Will we still get banned from requesting in this board and having a set contest for 6 months if we completed the set in time for our buddy? o_O
I hope this is more "understandable". :D

(Yay!!! 499 posts!!! *Goes off to change set*)

Tue Dec 05, 2006 4:21 pm

sily_sicily wrote:Guess I'll make another post.
Will we still get banned from requesting in this board and having a set contest for 6 months if we completed the set in time for our buddy? o_O
I hope this is more "understandable". :D

(Yay!!! 499 posts!!! *Goes off to change set*)

Well... last year, my buddy did not complete their set on time. They got banned and the such. However, I did complete the set for them, so I did not get banned. You only get banned if you do not do the set. I think that explains it...

*signs up after nice results from the previous year*

Your Preferred Name (to be written on the set): Tom OR Pixa OR Pix, I don't mind.
List up to five kinds of things you'd like on your set:
I'm not very fussy, by the way.
1. Winter scenes
2. Penguins
3. Maths
4. Rain
5. Friends

:P Obviously more of a pick and choose thing, compared to all of them.

Tue Dec 05, 2006 4:50 pm

well I've been in this so far, and I don't plan to break from my personal tradition. ^_^

Your Preferred Name (to be written on the set): av can be shortened to Smoky
List up to five kinds of things you'd like on your set:
1. anime
2. blue or dark colors
3. abstract/grunge
4. can have animations but isn't a must
5. any kind of cat

Marissa, if you need extras I'll be happy to do a few.

Tue Dec 05, 2006 8:18 pm

Your Preferred Name (to be written on the set): DM was on fire!
List up to five kinds of things you'd like on your set:
1. Family Force 5 (FTW!), if you could make a set with strictly Josh, that'd be great too. XD I'll add a diagram showing which one he is soon...
2. Hearts and pink and stuff (if you make this, lyrics to Love Addict would be sweet)
3. Relient K
4. Hawk Nelson
5. Miley Cyrus/Hannah Montana

This is definetly gonna be a FF5 Christmas.

Kitten Medli wrote:5. Farm animals (especially CHICKENS!)


And Marissa, if you need anyone to make extras, I'm here for you too. :D

Tue Dec 05, 2006 8:39 pm

DM was on fire! wrote:
Kitten Medli wrote:5. Farm animals (especially CHICKENS!)


*whine* Whaaaaat?! I like chickens! Sue me! They're cute!
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