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PPT Secret Santa!

Sun Nov 27, 2005 11:43 pm

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Last edited by Marissa on Mon Jan 02, 2006 5:34 am, edited 1 time in total.

Sun Nov 27, 2005 11:56 pm

Your Preferred Name (to be written on the set): Dawn, Bangel, or whatever works for the set (aka character names, etc.)
List up to five kinds of things you'd like on your set: Anything Buffy related, really. You can find tons of pictures just by searching google, or going to and clicking on "Buffy" and choosing random episodes until you find a screencap you like, or (also a collection of screencaps and Buffy images). Any characters are fine, though I am rather fond of Spike (Spike = bleached blonde guy who shows up regularly in season 2 as well as season 5-7; actor's name is James Marsters). Please no animation, unless it's simple stuff like subtext fading, etc.
Last edited by Bangel on Thu Dec 01, 2005 10:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Mon Nov 28, 2005 12:40 am

Yay!! :)

Your Preferred Name (to be written on the set): mazil
List up to five kinds of things you'd like on your set:
  • A neopets christmas set - some of the past advent calendar animations have had great artwork, but I don't know whether you can get to those anymore. Petpets are especially cool too, though!
  • The Lion King - I loooove this movie. Nala and/or Simba would be especially great. There's a good gallery of pics here
  • Radiohead (the band) - I really like their cd/dvd cover and booklet artwork, especially around the time of Kid A or OK Computer.
I hope those aren't too annoyingly specific... they're just some ideas of things I like. :D

Mon Nov 28, 2005 1:59 am

Omg! I've been waiting for this! ^_^

Your Preferred Name (to be written on the set): WIS
List up to five kinds of things you'd like on your set:

House! Definatly!
If you have trouble finding images, here's some good sites:

The show 'Bones', or 'Stacked' is fine too.

I like the colors of light blue, or a bluish green, or a steel-blue. :)

Animation is fine, but not nessisary.

Quotes for House can be found at the official website,

or here:
Last edited by WIS on Thu Dec 01, 2005 1:53 am, edited 2 times in total.

Mon Nov 28, 2005 2:44 am

see there was a reason I came back when I did. :3

Your Preferred Name (to be written on the set): Smokytyger, av can be Smoky ;)

List up to five kinds of things you'd like on your set:

1 anime (boy or girl)
2 blue (can be vector, grunge, etc.)
3 vampire (boy or girl)
4 nothing to happy for the theme unless it's a dark kind
5 something that fits for subtext
Last edited by Smokytyger on Wed Nov 30, 2005 6:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Mon Nov 28, 2005 5:59 pm

Your Preferred Name (to be written on the set): Sapphire Faerie, Chass, Sapphire, or just leave my name off of it completely.
List up to five kinds of things you'd like on your set:

1. Blue
2. Photos of things (not people)
3. Abstract stuff
4. Nothing cartoony or Christmasy
5. Subtexts:
"A dangerous idea that almost makes sense"
"We shine like a falling star"
"Squeeze the handle, blow out the candle"
"Time is a string of pearls"

Edited! Thanks Marissa!
Last edited by Sapphire Faerie on Thu Dec 01, 2005 6:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Mon Nov 28, 2005 6:07 pm

Name on set: Jellyoflight
5 things I'd like on the set:

1. Christmas lights
2. Snow
3. Christmas PetPets
4. Christmas Presents
5. Reds, Greens, Whites, Yellows...etc.

Basically anything christmassy :P

Tue Nov 29, 2005 12:16 am

Your Preferred Name (to be written on the set): Albadror
List up to five kinds of things you'd like on your set: any dog, gelerts, lupes, kougras

Tue Nov 29, 2005 2:04 am

Your Preferred Name (to be written on the set): Alex
List up to five kinds of things you'd like on your set:
- Wintery scenes
- Beaches
- Flower (esp. gerbras, tulips, and frangipanis)
- Anything else you think I'd like, really. I'm not fussy :)

Tue Nov 29, 2005 7:09 am

I remember this... Except for the fact that last year i didn't participate :oops:

Your Preferred Name (to be written on the set): Beef Jerky
List up to five kinds of things you'd like on your set:The five things can be anything you wish to specify:
1. Topic: Scrubs! (I love it, funniest show... ever!)
2. Colours : Umm, blue?
3. Theme: Happy people?
4. No animations thanks!
5. If you know what the show is about and have seen it a few times, just do one of your favourite quotes, but if you haven't, you can use:
- "I can't do this all on my own I know, I'm no Superman"

(If you were wandering what Scrubs is:
Last edited by dargonz on Wed Nov 30, 2005 5:32 am, edited 1 time in total.

Tue Nov 29, 2005 6:19 pm

Your Preferred Name (to be written on the set): DM, or DM was on fire! (I prefer DM on the av, but that's alright)
List up to five kinds of things you'd like on your set:
1. Hawk Nelson (want me to love you for life? Make a matching banner for Hugs for Hawk Nelson
2. John Reuben
3. House (just House :P)
4. Dark Magician Girl from Yu-Gi-Oh!
5. Relient K...whole group, please

Tue Nov 29, 2005 6:49 pm

Your Preferred Name (to be written on the set): Ken

List up to five kinds of things you'd like on your set:

1. Ragnarok Online
2. 2003 BMW M3
3. The color Blue
4. Penguins
5. Anything to do with Space (Constellations, Stars, Planets, etc)

:) I'm really looking forward to this.

Tue Nov 29, 2005 9:52 pm

Yay! :D

Your Preferred Name: LAQ
List up to five kinds of things you'd like on your set:
1 ~ Roses, especially red ones.
2 ~ Any image from here.
3 ~ Basically any dreamy/pretty CG image.
4 ~ Anything from the upcoming Narnia movie (especially the White Witch, Susan, or Aslan).
5 ~ Matching subtexts.

Can't wait! <3

Tue Nov 29, 2005 10:44 pm

<3 Sounds interesting!

Your Preferred Name: Pix / Tom (space dependant, your call)
List up to five kinds of things you'd like on your set:
1 ~ Snow scenes.
2 ~ Blue, but not cyan blue, that's too bright for me, heh.
3 ~ Interesting borders, possibly, if it fits.
4 ~ Possibly a few penguins in there.
5 ~ Matching subtexts, particularly meaningful ones.

Wed Nov 30, 2005 12:10 am

Your Preferred Name (to be written on the set):Starchaser or Star, whichever fits better. If the av/sig/both work better without any name at all, that's fine too.
List up to five kinds of things you'd like on your set:
1.My biggest obsession of the moment: Stock photos! I'd prefer those that don't have people in them, or don't feature them prominently (e.g. cityscapes <3 <3, nature scenes, or just anything else that you think looks cool). Artsy photos from other sites are fine too.
2. Seasonal/wintery stuff is great, but nothing too Christmas-y, please; I don't celebrate it (I'm more of a Chanukah person :P ).
3. As long as I'm being negative - nothing with Neopets, either, please.
4. If you're one of those awesome people who can actually mess around in Photoshop/comparable paint program and come up with some really cool abstract or vector-ish thing (I'm not), that's good as well.
5. Have fun and try something new. Make something that you enjoy. I'm sure I'll be pleasantly surprised. :)

(Sorry if any of that's too detailed!)
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