Request your avatars and signatures, blinkies and banners and everything else graphics-related here.
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Can someone help me...

Wed Mar 30, 2005 3:06 am

...Create a banner and avitar with my name from this pic at this site*? or at least tell me how to do it I don't have any fancy software just Windows XP and all... so please,please,please,please,please,pleasePLEASE!!!!!!
not telling you to just asking. Blinking is a pluss ;)
Use the 6th pic the D.N. Angel one

Wed Mar 30, 2005 3:42 am

Feel free to look around the board and at the various request threads. If you like a certain person's style, go on and ask them. It's easier then for them to come to you.

Can't decide? Try Open Requests and someone will make it. :)
Topic locked