Request your avatars and signatures, blinkies and banners and everything else graphics-related here.
Topic locked

Sun Nov 12, 2006 7:40 pm

You look lonely. :(

I'll probably use it in mid-December.

Image url: ... mo18HQ.jpg
Size: don't matter
Text: DM
Extra/Comments: Can you squish all of the girls in the av? XD

Image url: ... mo18HQ.jpg
Size: don't matter
Text: DM was on fire!
Sub-Text: I'll trust in the unseen.
Extra/comments: Thanks. <3

Tue Dec 19, 2006 9:55 pm

It's been a month since I looked at this request board...^^;;; Sorry...DM, if you still want that set, I PMed it to you. ^^:;;

Hey guys! It was a fun six months, but I have to close my board. I have no time at all to make graphics for others anymore, college takes up too much of my time. It's such a drag. Also, it seems that I haven't been getting too many requests. Since there are a lot of great graphic designers on this board now! ^^;;; Anyway, contact me if you need anything made! Thanks to all those who requested! Ciao for now.

Topic locked