Request your avatars and signatures, blinkies and banners and everything else graphics-related here.
Topic locked

Thu Sep 29, 2005 7:47 pm

Thanks a lot Jaye, it's wonderful!

Forgot to mention it will be used on the Evanescence forum. It's if you want to see if I'm using it.

Fri Sep 30, 2005 4:24 am

oh my oh my oh my! that's totally kewl! =D ty jaye!

*takes some screenies of the new set in use*

here's a tribute to jaye (that her sets are so nice that i use them in all the forums i go to) =D forums

NuneWorld Anime Forums

Tian Di Hui Forums

Invasion Fusion Forums

The AniDorks Board

and of course... pinkpt... =D

Sun Oct 02, 2005 3:43 am

_jaye_ wrote:Shortin:
Image Image

Thanks _jaye_! Its great! Thank you for fixing it for me. :D

Sun Oct 02, 2005 3:48 am

XD Thank you, Shaun! But watch the screenies, they might be a little too large :P Thank you again :D

These 2 weeks will probably be more free for me so those who requests will probably wait for less time.

Thanks everyone :D

Sun Oct 02, 2005 4:16 am

_jaye_ wrote:XD Thank you, Shaun! But watch the screenies, they might be a little too large :P Thank you again :D

haha okay i'll resize them to 50% =D... btw jaye is there a limit to how many sets one can request? =D

Wed Oct 05, 2005 4:48 am

One more request from the best request board ever. :P :hug:


What browser do you use: Firefox!
Image url:
Main text: WIS
Animation (yes-specify/no/subtle/let me decide): I'll let you decide
Cutouts: No thanks =]
Others: Ummmm?

Image url: ... plan_l.jpg
Second pic is optional

Main text: WIS
Subtext (either you supply me with one or let me decide :D): Anxiety takes off (or if you can think of a better one)
Colours/theme (supply me or I decide): It'd be good if you could keep the original color scheme of blue. =]
Animation (yes-specify/no/subtle/let me decide): I'll let you decide.
Cutouts: Nope...

Sat Oct 08, 2005 4:00 am



What browser do you use: Firefox.
Image url: ... s/coma.jpg (if you can find a better picture...then yeah)
Main text:Yesh
Animation (yes-specify/no/subtle/let me decide): You decide
Cutouts: Nope
Others: Nothing much

Image url: ... s/coma.jpg (find a better picture. If you feel like it.)
Main text: YesItIsh
Subtext (either you supply me with one or let me decide :D): You decide. *worst at subtexts*
Colours/theme (supply me or I decide): Whatever fits
Animation (yes-specify/no/subtle/let me decide): You decide.
Cutouts: If it works..(you decide)
Others: *glomp*

Sat Oct 08, 2005 8:29 am

Image Image

Image Image

Shaun, in reply to your question, well, as long as you don't overload me like 123456786423131 sets each time, it's fine. :P The most requested is two. Imagine you doing the sets :P. Hope that answers it :P

(If not, I'd allow no more than 3.)

Sat Oct 08, 2005 8:30 am

_jaye_ wrote:WIS:
Image Image


YAY! *hugs jaye* You are the best! ^_^

Sat Oct 08, 2005 9:11 am

Now, recently I have found myself Jaye-set-deprived. So, I need a new Jaye-set to hug and love and huggle. -nods-


What browser do you use: Firefox

Image url: Click!
Main text: Anubis
Animation: If possible, but really, you decide.
Cutouts: Don't mind.
Others: Nothing.

Image url: Click!
Main text: Anubis
Subtext: Awwr
Or, you decide. ._.
Colours/theme: You can decide.
Animation: If possible, but again, you can decide.
Cutouts: Don't mind.
Others: Nothing.


Sat Oct 08, 2005 7:59 pm


*glomp* Thanks!

Sat Oct 08, 2005 8:12 pm

gosh jaye i just love that font u used for YesItIsh could you make me a space set with that font?

Mon Oct 10, 2005 1:06 pm

Image Image
(the 2nd one is when I came to my senses and redid it, even though still not that good)

Jax, fill out a form please :P

Mon Oct 10, 2005 3:33 pm

_jaye_ wrote:Anubis:
Image Image
(the 2nd one is when I came to my senses and redid it, even though still not that good)

Me love, Jayezums. <3 Thankee. -snuggles!-

Mon Oct 10, 2005 7:27 pm

no problem ill fill out one :P

Image url: any thing with space saturn... venus a planet or just stars!
Main text:Jax
Animation: sure in the letters maybe?
Cutouts: if it looks good
Others: none

Image url: same as avatar
Main text: Jaxer
Subtext: umm.. something that has to do with space, sit and watch the stars, or whatever goes with the picture.
Colours/theme: whatever looks good
Animation: if possible any animation in the subtext is good :)
Cutouts: if it looks good

but remember i love that font you used for yesitish and inexistence
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