Request your avatars and signatures, blinkies and banners and everything else graphics-related here.
Topic locked

Wed Dec 06, 2006 12:33 am

Kitten Medli wrote:
DM was on fire! wrote:
Kitten Medli wrote:5. Farm animals (especially CHICKENS!)


*whine* Whaaaaat?! I like chickens! Sue me! They're cute!

*Sues* :D

Sorry to whoever gets the set I make. It'll probably look stupid. Don't give me credit, unless it's so bad you want to mock me. Which you probably should. Because it won't be that great. Most likely.

Preferred name: tested
Five Things:
1. Final Fantasy III, the Nintendo DS remake.
2. Implementation of the golden ratio in the sig. Yeah!
3. Subtext: "sucks to be a warrior of the light!" (Yeah, it does. You don't get orbs.)
4. transparency, if possible. (Which, by the way, is possible in Windows 98. but not XP!)
5. Whatever you think would look amazing and awesome.

Wed Dec 06, 2006 1:24 am

Okay, I've never done the set secret santa before, but in the past it's seemed to be really fun, so I guess I'll join in this time. :)

Your Preferred Name (to be written on the set): Xandra
List up to five kinds of things you'd like on your set:
1. Old (aka not cartoons) illustrations from children's books or fairy tales. Er, children's books=peter pan, alice in wonderland, etc.
2. Pretty stock photography- nature, places... anything, really.
3. Artwork- classics, but nothing overused in graphics. I mean, I love Starry Night and all, but everyone uses it everywhere.
4. Non-crazy colors. I like faded colors (dusty purple, etc.) and deep colors (blood red, midnight blue, etc.). But don't take this to be the law! I am absolutely fine with anything you make, trust me (just don't use too much orange :P ).
5. No animation, please. :)

Wed Dec 06, 2006 1:40 am

Well...I guess I'll sign up. But sorry if the set I made looks horrible!
Marissa, I can try to make extras if I have time. :)

My preferred name: Sily_Sicily, Sicily or Sily, whatever fits.
5 kinds of things:
1: Nature!
2: Food
3: Something "christmasy" (neopets Terror Mountain stuff etc included)
4: <s>Music</s> Musical Instruments
5: Anything you think I like!
Last edited by sily_sicily on Thu Dec 07, 2006 11:14 am, edited 2 times in total.

Wed Dec 06, 2006 3:47 am

preferred name: moogie, moogs, some interation of that

things i like:

pretty stock images
hung liu
fashion illustration
the lack of animation


marissa, im also available to make extra sets.

Wed Dec 06, 2006 4:38 am

Oh, this sounds like fun, I'd like to sign up.

Your Preferred Name (to be written on the set): Lady Night
List up to five kinds of things you'd like on your set:
1. Jhudora (Pick any picture(s) of her you like)
2. Purple
3. Animation or not
4. Fun Fonts
5. Sub-Text: FEAR ME!! or PPT's Original Avatar Collector! or Both

Wed Dec 06, 2006 5:31 am

I might as well.

Your Preferred Name (to be written on the set): Yesh
List up to five kinds of things you'd like on your set:
1. good stock photography...especially scenes.
2. fruit
3. Final Fantasy (esp. 6, 8, and 12)
4. vector
5. <s>The Amazing Race. Hahahahaha.</s> Anything relating to geography or time. Like maps or clocks or stuff.

Wed Dec 06, 2006 10:17 pm

I am gonna do this! Woot! Since I haven't gotten to do much with PPT this year...

Your Preferred Name (to be written on the set): webkitty
List up to five kinds of things you'd like on your set:
1. An old volkswagon bug, preferably a brightly colored one (subject matter)
2. Any colors, but bright ones please!(colors)
3. For the subtext; "This is me. Crazy? Oh yes." or "I love life."
oul. Anything else you think would look good.
5. Animation if you want, but you don't have to!!!

Thu Dec 07, 2006 1:30 am

Sweet, Count me in!

Preferred name: Loser (only once on the set)
Subject matters:
1. Imogen Heap/Frou Frou
2. Purdy pictures/ CG art
3. Fantasy Creatures/ Scences
4. Bowser (you know, from mario/ssbm)
5. Tomatoes

And Question!
Are we allowed to make more than one set for our giftee?

Thu Dec 07, 2006 5:06 am

loser1921 wrote:Are we allowed to make more than one set for our giftee?
Please just make one, it's not really fair if some people get more than one.
Last edited by Marissa on Fri Dec 08, 2006 11:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Fri Dec 08, 2006 11:13 pm

This sounds like fun :)

Preferred name: Ellaie
1. Fruit
2. Phantom of the Opera
3. Hermione and Ron
4. subtexts having to do with the subjects ^^
5. No animation please :)

Sat Dec 09, 2006 12:43 am

Your Preferred Name: Kentie/Kaitlyn/Kentieness... it doesn't bother me
List up to five kinds of things you'd like on your set:
1. Sparkles/stars
2. Kittens
3. Pink and/or purple
4. Neighbours (the Australian soap opera)
5. Will & Grace (Karen is my favourite :P)

...and thus I slap thee!

Sat Dec 09, 2006 7:12 pm

Your Preferred Name (to be written on the set): Req or Requiem
List up to five kinds of things you'd like on your set:
1. Theatre-related stuff <33
2. Dance-related stuff
3. Ireland
4. Books
5. Fantasy stuff [Dark Fantasy is spiffy]

Psst. My favourite colours are dark blue/black/silver.

Sun Dec 10, 2006 6:33 am

this sounds fun...i would like to give it a try

Your Preferred Name (to be written on the set): Z or Zil

List up to five kinds of things you'd like on your set(in no particular order):
1. OLD Mariah Carey, WITHOUT blond hair.
2. BoA(korean singer)
3. Soul Calibur
4. Samurai Warriors(the game)
5. with subtext of "these are a few or my favourite things"
Last edited by blueZ on Sun Dec 10, 2006 6:35 am, edited 1 time in total.

Mon Dec 11, 2006 4:26 am

Ok, signup to join the pool is closed, and PM's have been sent out.
If you didn't get a PM from me or my PM spamming buddy ScottNak... it was his fault, contact me.

Thu Dec 14, 2006 3:35 am

aww bum - why did nobody remind me about this thread :( nevermind, i look forward to seeing the sets everyone makes!
Topic locked