Request your avatars and signatures, blinkies and banners and everything else graphics-related here.
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Wed Feb 01, 2006 3:59 am

Thanks so much Jaye! It is wonderful! I have uploaded it to my own account and am using it right away! :hug: *give many, many cookies to the wonderful cookie lady*

Wed Feb 08, 2006 3:14 pm


Hi. Thank you all for requesting from me for the past year and getting me up to Split 3 :]

All things must come to an end some time and I've decided to close my request board. I chose this time because it's been a while since anyone requested, so I can close it nice and cleanly. It's been a wonderful time making sets for you and what more could please me than to see my sets being used around the forums; thank you so much for liking the sets I make :3

As I am also being tied down to homework, tests, extracurricular activities and also many other things, I think it really is time for me to close this board down and work harder than I am right now (I'm slacking at the moment).

I can still accept requests through PM; drop me a request and I'll see what I can do (and keep myself from being rusty).

So, thank you all so much, it's time to say goodbye; I will miss this request board and hopefully at some time, I will open it again.
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