Request your avatars and signatures, blinkies and banners and everything else graphics-related here.
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Sun Mar 20, 2005 7:22 pm

Johnnydontgo wrote:Aw, it's adorable!! Well, if it makes it any easier, you can drop the animated text, and just put "Won't you come play with us?" instead of the whole phrase...

Sure thing! It will be finished shortly.

Sun Mar 20, 2005 7:50 pm

*runs around the room waiting for set to be finished*

*smacks into a wall*


I can't wait to see what you're going to do!

Sun Mar 20, 2005 11:18 pm

Well... I really love your work! I hope it's not too much trouble.

What kind of graphic : Set
Graphic Size : No preference; whatever works
Text : Pattypus
Subtext : The Platypus Lover
Image :
This, or this. Preferably the first one.
Animation : (Y/N) N
Cutouts : (Y/N) If you can, but if you can't it's okay!
Other : I love my current set so much, that I want you to make me another one!
Don't feel rushed about this. I can wait a while. Take as long as you need to! :)
Last edited by pattypus on Sat Mar 26, 2005 5:14 am, edited 1 time in total.

Sun Mar 20, 2005 11:44 pm

Okay Johnny, I am done with your sig. Here it is. Please tell me if there is anything you want changed.


Mon Mar 21, 2005 1:40 am

What kind of graphic : Button
Graphic Size : 88 x 15
Text : Planet Neopia
Subtext :
Image : (Not all of the Poogle image needs to be used)
Animation : Yes (Font changes color, like on this image
Cutouts : No


Mon Mar 21, 2005 3:27 am

Neopets Addict wrote:Okay Johnny, I am done with your sig. Here it is. Please tell me if there is anything you want changed.


Oh, they're both great!! Fantastic, I'm so impressed! They'll be uploaded in about three minutes, thanks a bunch! :hug:

Mon Mar 21, 2005 4:30 am

Cat, here is your set. I hope you like it :)


Mon Mar 21, 2005 10:25 pm

Woo! I love it! I'll upload it ASAP.

*runs off*

Wed Mar 23, 2005 1:09 am

I'm so happy with my last set... do you think you could make me another? My birthday's the 24th, so you could call it a birthday present, lol...
Text: Can you take the part of the image with the graffiti on the wall, and use that?
Subtext: none
Cutouts/Animate: Whatever you think looks good!

Sig: Image:
Text: Life's not always beautiful, love.
Subtext: Johnnydontgo
Cutouts/Animate: whatever looks good to you!

My only request is that you try to get as much of the faerie's wings and face in the sig... If you can find a way to merge the image to get all three characters on it, that would be fantastic. Thankies!

Wed Mar 23, 2005 4:51 am

Hi, can you make desktop bg's? If you can, please post teh form and I'll fill it out.

Wed Mar 23, 2005 5:28 pm

Finally found a decent piccy!

What kind of graphic : Set
Graphic Size : Whatever works (Doesn't have to be PPT legal, but I'd prefer it)
Text : Theatre
Subtext : Sweat, Blood, and Make Up
Image : This as the main image, only with better transparency.

And, This or something similar to it for the background.
Animation : IF you want
Cutouts : If you want

Wed Mar 23, 2005 8:44 pm

DaggerLN wrote:Hi, can you make desktop bg's? If you can, please post teh form and I'll fill it out.

I've made a few before, but I can try. You don't have to use it if it doesn't turn out the way you like.

Um......Form :

Picture :
Color Scheme :
Text :
Size :

***And I will start working on backed up sets now***

Kittie, here is your set. If there is anything you would like me to change, please don't hesitate to ask.


Atjj, here is your 1st set. Please tell me if you want anything changed.


Atjj, here is your second set. I hope you like it :)


Pattypus :


Soul_Hunter :


Sat Mar 26, 2005 10:01 pm

Thank you soooo much! I love it! I was trying to picture what it might look like-you pretty much did it exactly how I imagined it! Thank you. :D

Sun Mar 27, 2005 1:32 am

Johnny, here is your set. I tried something different with the text and stuff, and I am not sure whether you will like it or not. Please please please please if you dislike it, tell me, so I can change it. And Happy birthday! :)


Sun Mar 27, 2005 1:59 am

What kind of graphic : Set
Graphic Size : Anything, but, I need to put a 50x50 picture in my sig too.
Text : Sir Michael
Subtext : Whom the Gods Would Destroy, They First Make Mad. — Euripides, 480 - 406 B.C.
Image : ... een001.jpg and ... een009.jpg and ... een001.jpg
Animation : Y
Cutouts : N
Other : For the animation, could you plaese do something with the text, for example.
*fade in*
Whom the Gods Would Destroy,
*fade out*
*fade in*
They First Make Mad.
*fade out*
*fade in*
Euripides, 480 - 406 B.C.
*fade out*

I love your sets, I would like a another GOW set please. :)
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