Shop Wizard Cheats

How to use the Shop Wizard during a faerie quest!

If you keep a separate window open with the Shop Wizard on it while you’re doing other stuff, you can still use the Shop Wizard when you get a faerie quest. Then, if you use the back button instead of “try again” on the shop wizard you can search over and over again to get the best price and still not be told that you can’t use the Shop Wizard since you’re on a faerie quest. Hope it’s as useful for other people as it’s been for me! – Deidra Kunin

Mootix Drop Cheats

View the Entire Map

While free falling during any mission in a campaign (not the Single Drops) click restart until you run out of lives and it’s game over. Harry will keep falling and eventually bounce. Harry will then fly up again and reveal the whole room! – Dongocat85

Mootix Surprises

Upon selecting your difficulty level, you are brought to the screen where you select your drop. Using the arrow keys, push up and down. You will notice that one of a variation of 6 petpets appears. If you enter the correct combination of characters a surprise will happen! – Mootix

Mootix Drop Secret Combinations


Frumball Cheats

Gain an extra life

If you type in FRUMBALL during any point of the game, you will gain an extra life. However this can only be done once so use it wisely or when you’re going for that high score! – 100% Canadian Gurl

Frumball frozen game

Lose the Frumball game (yeah, join the club) and press “Q” right when the game starts again. It will take you to the end screen and press “send score” the game will freeze! (scary huh?). Oh, and no neopoints. – leesie117

Skip to the next level

If you type ‘kougra’ while playing, you’ll skip to the next level but your score will be reset. – homedawg