The All Around 9 Step Guide to Being a Cheap Yet Successful Neopian by Paul Nemitz

Yeah, I too have decided to make a newbie guide, and the name is altairguardian on neopets, but don’t let the newbie status confuse you, I had some other accounts, all covered in rust BEFORE books disappeared.

Getting started: 500 np isn’t much, but it IS better than nothing, and the newbie pack can be useful for a FEW days, there are number of cans and cant’s about this

1. Basic supplies: Food, books, crude weapons, and toys are useful most of the time, and its worth it to make your pet smarter, happier, or stronger.

2. Bank account: This is a MUST, and I suggest when you have the amount of total money needed to improve your account status, do it! normally, bank money is dead money for awhile, but if your not gonna do anything else with it, might as well make interest.