Quick Neopets Pointers by glittersnowqueen

NUMBER ONE RULE!!! Be careful!!! There is no way to cheat, there are no Neopoint simulators, no one who asks for your password and name are going to leave empty handed. There is no possible way to cheat!!! You have to work hard and earn your points. Now that we have that out of the way…

1. First thing’s first…make a lot of neofriends and join rich guilds! People warm up to you quickly in guilds and it is possible to make friends in high places…if you know what I mean!

2. Take your time. Don’t feel that you HAVE to make 100,000 in 10 days, or 1,000,000 in a year. It is better not to rush and be careful and have fun with it. There is no NEED for neopoints at the very second. You can go slow and pace yourself. It will be a great accomplishment in the end!

Quick Neopoints in no Time by Macey

Ok, I know everyone wants one of those “Get 100K+ Schemes” that works in minutes. I’m with ’em. But those aren’t out yet so this will work till then:

Start of by playing lots of sponsor games. They aren’t awesome, but trust me. Its worth it. My personal favorite is Lucky Charms or something, like it. These games are probably 100 NP per 100 pts scored and they are so easy!

Next, play Meerca Chase (II). Try it on either Level 1 (Super Beginner) and 2. Hard level goes so fast I can’t even keep up with it.

Then, go play Tombola, grab some omelette, try the Shrine, Fruit Machine, and MOST definitely go to the Money Tree. Take your time at the MT. If you stop seeing the picture when you don’t get something, stop. It won’t let you have anything also from there until the next day.

Quick No-Stress Neopoints Making by incineflame

My username is incineflame. I’d like to share my ways of getting rich.

If you have just started out, this guide is for you.

First few things to do.
-collect newbie pack
-create a bank account
-play fruit machine
-use 150 of your NP to create a shop

Now go play games. You don’t have to play all the games. It is not easy. Pick a few good games. These are the best.
-meerca chase (600)
-grundo snow-throw (400)
-usuki frenzy (300)
-destruct-o-match (550)
-ptera-attack (3000)
-chomby and the fungus balls (3000)

that’s 7850 NP altogether. Next!

Go to Explore. Go to terror mountain and then ice caves. In the ice caves buy a scratch card BUT DON’T SCRATCH IT. Save these. If you are lucky you can get the icetravaganza scratch card worth a whopping 75000NP. Collect these until you have a lot, then sell for humungous profits.

8,000 Neopoints in an Hour or Less by snowbunny_white

Hello and welcome to my guide. First, let me introduce myself. I am snowbunny_white. You may call me Snow.

Anyway, I am what I would call the average Neopian. I have about 100,000 neopoints in the bank, not many trophies, have participated in a few wars and have 1 maybe 2 painted pets. I am not amazing at any of the games – I’m just OK, so this guide is perfect for anyone really.

8,000 neopoints is really the average you can get, you may get a *little* less or more, some games require skill but some most certainly don’t.

The first games I advise you to play would be sponsor games, quick, easy and simple sponsor games. The only ones I actually use are: