The Return of Dr. Sloth

The Return of Dr. Sloth Plot Solutions

Want up to date information on how to solve the latest The Return of Dr. Sloth plot? This place provides up-to-date information on the latest finds and discoveries, and also provides a historical archive of plot advancements for those starting out late. The Return of Dr. Sloth Forum Threads These forum threads contain all the […]

All About Neopets

A Tour of Some of Neopets’ Worlds Part 2

The Haunted Woods is a perpetual Halloween-type forest. Here lies the Brain Tree, who demands knowledge of when people died. It’s completely random and can’t be unlocked if you just type in numbers. Instead, you have to go to the other boogie-man of the Haunted Woods, the Esophager. He demands spooky food in exchange for […]

Game Guides

Hannah and the Wardrobe of Adventure Guide by _azn_angel_babe_

Basically there are 10 missions in total & 3 bonus games. Missions require you to dress Hannah in the right outfit for the job she is about to do. The bonus games are just like Korbat’s Lab where you need to break all the blocks in order to receive your bonus points. Missions & Outfits […]

Trading Card Game

Return of Dr. Sloth TCG Card List

The following is a complete listing of all the cards that is available in the Return of Dr. Sloth Neopets TCG card series. They are color coded by rarity. Red cards = Very rare Orange cards = Rare Green cards = Uncommon Blue cards = Common 1 Angelpuss 2 Cooty 3 Domination 4 Dr. Sloth […]

Neopets Music

The Dr. Sloth Neopets Song by Megax1

Every time that I look in the mirror A new eye to see even clearer The faerie’s gone It went by like kacheek to brawn Isn’t that the way Everybody’s got their beauty in life to pay I know what nobody knows Where it comes and where it goes I know its everybody’s skin You […]