Trading Post Hysteria by Ania

Trading? There are a few simple things to know.

First off, I dont mean to start this article sounding like some heartless person. I understand that its hard to earn neopoints, that playing the same games gets boring, and that those paintbrushes are REALLY expensive but theres a few basic things that you shouldnt do when youre on Neopets.

One of my first pieces of advice is that it that reposting a message saying TYPETHISMESSAGEINTENOF YOURTRADESANDGO2FAERIELANDANDYOU WILLFIND2000000NEOPOINTSAND AVERYRAREPAINTBRUSHTHISHASBEEN APPROVEDBYNEOPETS is completely pointless and a waste of your time. I was at the Trading Post and I saw so many of these messages. Ive been guilty of that, I admit it. In my newbie days, I was really nave. But reposting messages like that will never get you anything but reported by people who are sick of seeing spam all over Neopets.

Another thing I saw on the TP is My brother just quit Neopets and left me with two paintbrushes. The one who bids the most on this lot gets an island one! I clicked on the username and saw that the account was barely a week old. She didnt have the paintbrushes and reposted the same message on more than one lot under the same name. Unfortunately, not everyones going to check that out. If you see a message like that, click their name and see their pets. Chances are if theyre not painted, theyre lying. And even if they ARE painted, its a SCAM and report them immediately.

When someone says they really dont want an item, chances are they really dont but theyre not willing to let it be undersold. And Im sure 99% of us REALLY want Neopets to let us sell more expensive things in our shops. Just because they say they dont want something doesnt mean that you can try and cheat them.

Before putting something up for trade, look for how much its going. Make it a reasonable price. For example, dont say you want a Halloween paintbrush for a Wooden Blocking Shield that everyone gets in their Newbie Pack. And dont settle for less. I won a Tyrannian Paintbrush which I traded for a Battle Spade which SEEMED to be worth more but really wasnt. Im still stuck with the Battle Spade and would give anything for my Paintbrush again.

Finally, check the price of the items people bid on your trade. Dont be rude and let it rot, its not fair to the people bidding. Be as prompt as you can but dont just accept an item because it SEEMS like itd be expensive. Research it and if you want it, THEN accept – Ania

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