Dubloon Disaster Guide by Brian

The scoring for dubloon disaster is as follows:

  • A brown dubloon: Two points
  • A silver dubloon with pirate head: Five points
  • A silver dubloon with crossbones: Ten points
  • A silver dubloon with crescent moon: Twenty points
  • A silver dubloon: Fifty points
  • A gold dubloon with crossbones: One-hundred points
  • A silver Dubloon with gold edging: Two-hundred points

You get 600 nps per 100 points scored in the game with a maximum of 1,000 nps per game and a maximum of 3,000 nps a day.

There are two major strategies that I use. If you like, you can:

1. Blow Them Up

This strategy uses the fact that if they run into each other they go kaboom. Every time you get 2 mines, get in-between them until their really close to each other and then run off so they run into each other. This strategy works well but if you don’t have the quickest reflexes then you can die. This is also a strategy in which if you want you can go and get a bunch of points and once there are too many mines, blow them up with scallywags* This way is a little more dangerous than the other way but it’s a lot easier to get the 170 points needed for a maximum of 1,000 nps.

Meerca Chase 2 Guide by Pattywoopwoop

Meerca Chase 2 is a game built for aggressive neopoint earners. It is a basic game which has many cheats, but two of them are difficult to complete.

The first cheat which doesn’t really help is when you click on the Meerca’s right eye, it shows Adam holding two fish neggs. By doing this, people reckon that it improves your chance of receiving good neggs.

The second cheat is called “ Ferocious Neggs ”. It is done by typing “ ferociousneggsareontheloose ” on the main page. It simply starts a game that is set to slow, but when a red negg appears, it moves.

How to Name Your Neopet by Kaityshuk

As the title suggests, this is about naming your very own neopet. We know it is quite hard coming up with names. That’s why your petpet’s name is Fluffy or your neopet’s name, Wocky_the_great. And yes, even I named my neopets like that. But fear not! I will teach you all the odds and ends of this day by day problem.


First off; Letters. For making up your own name… or otherwise. Yes.

Letters like the alphabet! I know this sounds crazy like I’m trying to teach you the alphabet. Okay. So I’m guessing you know your ABCs, right? Good. Now what I would like you to do first is to look at the letters of the alphabet. You will decide your favorite letters. Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz. Okay, so you’re looking at the alphabet. I’m betting you’re saying, What now? Well, number your first five favorite letters. For example:

Faerie Cloud Racers Guide by Trumpit

Do you want to know how to play Faerie Cloud Racers? First of all, you should know the main concept of the game. The point is to beat the other faeries you compete against, seeing who can last the longest without crashing into each other or an obstacle.

There are certain obstacles you have to avoid in this game. They can be bushes, houses, or the trail you and your opponent make. They look like this:

The quicker you get your opponent to run into something, the more points you get. You want to end the round as quickly as possible. Use the arrow keys to move your faerie. After you beat your opponent, you will move on to another faerie that is of higher skill, etc.

Ultimate Bullseye Guide by Skye Dingwall

Okay, so we have a new Ultimate Bullseye, and heress my little guide on it. Enjoy!

Power-Ups & What They Do

Firstly, we have an icon that appears to be the target with arrows coming from the four corners. This will expand and contract the target size, increasing the chance of getting a bullseye.

Coming next, we have the fire ring, just like in the original Ultimate Bullseye, but this ring, if the arrow goes through it, will double the score, giving you 20 points for a bullseye.

The next icon is a target with an arrow going sideways. This will move the target back and forth, and it continues moving when you shoot which can be good or bad.